Rosali Grankull is a composer, musician, and sound artist based in Gothenburg, working with acoustic instruments, objects, literature, microphones, and people. In her work, she seeks a thin line of instability to enable unexpected questions and perspectives in music.
She is interested in the qualities of sounds and the idea that all sounds originate from a movement/event. The interplay between the score and the tactile experience of physical materials is an important aspect, allowing the perspectives to dialogue and collaborate in the search for a piece's identity. Rosali is keen to participate in various collaborations with other art disciplines - in an attempt to stretch where and how a musical situation can arise. Working nationally and internationally, she has composed music for various contexts, including music for wind and symphony orchestras, chamber music ensembles, theater, contemporary dance, choirs, created sound installations, and collaborated with textile artists, directors, actors, choreographers, ceramists, etc.
creation - transformation
listening as a method for Peace
Skrivet om i tidskriften Nutida Musik 2018
Live 2024
Feb 11 - Exercise for two & more players (2023) at Folkteatern Järnet, Gjuteriet Karlstad
performed by Martin Welander and Simon Halvarsson.
Feb 21 - Identitetshandlingar i C-dur (2019) Grieghallen Bergen Norway
with the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Edward Gardner.
Beethoven - Piano Concerto No. 5 with pianist Leif Ove Andsnes
Grankull - Identitetshandlingar i C-dur
Nielsen - Symphony No. 5
Feb 21 - Identitetshandlingar I C-dur (2019) Grieghallen Bergen Norway
with the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Edward Gardner
Beethoven - Piano Concerto No. 5 with pianist Leif Ove Andsnes
Grankull - Identitetshandlingar i C-dur
Nielsen - Symphony No. 5
May 31 - Sept 1
Exercise for two & more players - Exhibition at Kunsthall 3,14 Bergen Norway
The piece will be presented in PARABOL (a sound shower)
June 8 - Klanglabyrint (2023) with Damkapellet in Copenhagen, Denmark
part of the KLANG Copenhagen Avantgarde Music Festival
June 22-30 - Music for Strings & Silk (2022) in the Faroe Islands
Part of the ISCM World New Music Days
Aug 31 - Eristalis (2010) Högalidskyrkan, Stockholm kl.18:00
Stockholms Motettkör KFUM conductur Szymon Rudzki
performs the choir piece Eristalis
Sept 1 - Eristalis (2010) Årsta kyrka, Stockholm kl.16:00
Stockholms Motettkör KFUM conductur Szymon Rudzki
performs the choir piece Eristalis
Sept 29 - FIRE for Viva Vocal Ensemble, premier at Atalante Gothenburg
Also with composition by Sten Sandell
Oct 30 - Music for Strings & Silk, Glasgow Cathedral, Scotland
Nordic Music Days 2024
Oct 31 Music for Strings & Silk, Glasgow Cathedral, Scotland
Nov 1 Music for Strings & Silk, Glasgow Cathedral, Scotland
Nov 2 Music for Strings & Silk, Glasgow Cathedral, Scotland
Nov 22 premier of the piece I dungen, at Benhuset, Stockholm
13:00 and 17:30
musicians Eva Lindal & Stina Hellberg Agback and R.Grankull
Nov 23 - Skulptera.Kollision.Streck, Härnösand
Röjåssalen kl.15:00 Föreningen Nymus
Cello My Hellgren
Concert with Curious Chamber Players
Live & projects 2025
Jan 9-12 Music for Strings & Silk No.5 at Frontside Festival
March 6-7 Music for Strings & Silk No.6 at Hvitfeldtska gymnasiet
Recording and record: Music for Strings & Silk
Pilot study for a new piece for Sören Hermansson horn Joa Helgesson baritone and Åsa Karlberg flute
i Dungen 2024
In the piece ’i dungen’ we step into the critical events both above and below ground— in the bark, the root systems, and among the wild growth. The work contemplates multiple perspectives over time, the slow growth of nature and the sudden, fragile, and untamed sequences. We listen to the secluded grove.
Fragile and occasionally brutal, sparse – murmuring with traces of activity, life, and decay.
Written for Eva Lindal Stina Hellberg Rosali Grankull
premiered 22th of Nov 2024 Benhuset Sthlm
Sound and Light Christian Farcher
Commission Eva & Stina
FIRE 2024
The performance FIRE reflects on the properties of fire and its significance for the development of life.
FIRE is a sonic and visual musical situation where the different characteristics are highlighted
through voice, body, movements and objects.
Existance Necessity Overwhelming Control Introspection Force Destruction.
Written for Viva Vocal Ensemble premiered at Atalante 29th of Sept
Commission VVE
Exercise for two & more players 2023
Premiere in October 2023 at Atalante. A hybrid between an installation and a concert. Four musicians inside a specially constructed sound dome with copper strings attached to the floor and ceiling, turning the dome into an instrument. Collaboration with the international ensemble Curious Chamber Players. Commissioned by CCP
Signalövningar för ringar och människor 2023 premiered on January 12 at Galleri KKP Sockerbruket
A piece for a flute quartet with an extended instrumentarium, featuring five steel rings hanging at various positions in the room, each prepared in different ways to highlight their unique properties.
The project is funded by the Swedish Arts Council and the City of Gothenburg
Klanglabyrint 2023
Collaboration with the musician collective Damkapellet based in Malmö and Copenhagen. Premiere in the summer of 2023 at Folkets Park Malmö. Klanglabyrint is a project for young people where participants build a sound installation using simple materials and practice being both listeners and musicians. The project has received funding from the Swedish Arts Council.
Kretsar 2023
collaboration with Stefan Briland Ferner
premiered at The Node Stockholm
Project by STIM, Skap and FST
Våra Ljud 2023
sound installation for children
created togheter with Jorge Alciade Cepeda
premiered at House of Possibilitas, Gothenburg
Music for Strings & Silk - Laboration piece for 1-99 people 2022 premiered by Bohuslän Big Bad at Gerlesborg School of fine Art, Bohuslän
An interactive acoustic sound installation that the composer and participants build together in the current space. Using silk threads and string instruments as resonating boxes, they create a spatial instrument explored through hands-on work with sound, form, and perception. The silk threads' path through the room forms a visual composition while primarily serving as a sounding installation for all, regardless of their level of expertise.
No prior knowledge is required.
Music for Wallpaper/Étude en Carton 2022
premiered by Bohuslän Big Bad at Gerlesborg School of fine Art
for 4-20 players
Durata adlib
Fuga i Dmoll - Solvkören 2022
Sound art exhibition at Not Quite Fengefors Dalsland from July 16 to September 11, 2022.
Gorgonerna 2021
Public collaboration, with the support of the Swedish Arts Grants Committee. Exploration of how the audience can be involved in the dramatic and musical process through an interactive performance at Kummelholmens Konsthall on October 31. Directed by Linda Malik, featuring actress Alexandra Zetterberg Ehn, costume designer Anna Ardelius, and artist/scenographer Karin Lind, with music composed by Rosali Grankull.
I vardagens dramatik - Work for Clay, Ceramists, and Musicians in 2021.
Commissioned by Hertha Hillfon's Friends, Rian Design Museum in Falkenberg, and Musik Hallandia. Created in celebration of Hertha Hillfon's 100th anniversary. Variations on clay, strings, and objects. Sonic events and activities inspired by Hertha Hillfon's work and persona
Premiered by ceramists Sandra Österling and Rosali Grankull at KUBEN stadsmuseet Falkenberg on August 21
Isolationer.nerv 2020-2021
Commissioned work by Scenkonst Sörmland, in conjunction with the designation "Young Swedish Composer 2020"
A composition for marimba, objects, vibrating strings, electric guitar, and moving cardboard boxes.
Premiered in December 2021 and performed by percussionist Fia Forslund and Rosali Grankull
Fuga i Dmoll - Solvkören 2021
Sound installation, collaboration with textile-artist Hanna Norrna.
Other artists, Helena Persson, Alessandro Perini
Exhibition at Lokstallet Strömstad may 2021
Collaboration with textile artist Hanna Norrna, with other sound artists including Helena Persson and Alessandro Perini. Commissioned by Klangbotten/Kultur i Väst/Kulturrådet/Lokstallet Strömstad.
5.5 BLAD 2019
New instrumentation for Curious Chamber Players
Fl, cl, cello, perc, objects x2, acoustic guitar
Friktion - hur känns det? 2019
40 minutes dance and music performance for children 4-8 years
Choreographer Ingrid Olterman
Composer Rosali Grankull
Dancers Måns Erlandson and Oskar Frisk
Premiered 14th of Septemeber 2019, at Kungsängens Kulturhus
On tour 2019-2021
Identitetshandlingar i C-dur 2019
Piece for Norrköping Symphony Orchestra
Premiered 29th of May 2019 at Louis De Beer Konsert & Kongress
5.5 BLAD 2018
Piece for quartet. Violin, Harp, Contrabass, sound objects/guitar.
Premiered at Fylkingen November -18
Andningsövningar för bälgar och människor 2018
For organ bellows & three performers
First performance 18th of Jan 2018 at Örgryte kyrka
Bobo & Sune 2017
For Hurdy-gurdy and accordion, premiered at Västerås Konserthus Sept -17
YTOR 2017
For Wind Orchestra, premiered by Gothenburg Wind Orchestra May -17
Skulptera.Kollision.Streck 2017
Written for cellist My Hellgren, Solo cello & tape Premiered at Sirénfestival Gothenburg Jan -17
Raskolnikov stegar Sankt Petersburg 2016
For three pianos. Recorded.
Lo-fi Mandala 2016
EAM - stereo
Aftonen törstar 2014
Piece for five saxophones.
Premiered by Stockholms Saxofonkvartett & Rosali Grankull -14
Om en plats 2014
Piece for percussion duet, commissioned by Sound of Stockholm festival. Collaboration with Värmdö Kulturskola. Premiered at SoS festival -14
Rötter, Floder & Flamenco 2014
One hours dance and music performance with traditional and contemporary flamenco and traditional and contemporary music. Collaboration between two dancers/choreographers - Rebecca Rubin and Sofia Castro and two musicians/composers - Afra Blu and Rosali Grankull. Premiered at Norrbyskär at Kapellet July 2014
Komplettering till ansökan om bostadsbidrag 2014
Piece for saxophone, sound objects, violin, piano and electronics, commissioned by Båstad Kammarmusikfestival. Premiered at Båstad Kammarmusikfestival by Rosali Grankull, Max Thornberg, Erika Risinger and Erik Dahl
Virvlar, Stundar, Bryter in 2014
Commissioned by Umeå Musikklasser for their 20 year anniversary. Piece for choir, strings, winds, brass, piano, percussion . Premiered by Umeå Musikklasser. Text by Umeå Musikklasser & Rosali Grankull. Collaboration between Umeå Musikklasser & Rosali
Jag vill bygga 2013
Written for headphones Commissioned by Design Lab Skärholmen. Collaboration between Design Lab Skärholmen & Rosali. Two-month exhibition at Arkitektur- och Designcentrum at the exhibition "Vem är staden?"
Metanoia 2013
Piece for fl, ob, kl, perc, pno, pno, vln, vla, vlc.
Written for Ensemble Recherche - Freiburg, premiered by Ensemble Recherche september 2013.
Vad håller dåren vaken om nätterna? 2013
Graduation concert/happening for two pianos, amplifiers, and sound objects with the audience lying under the wings.
Premiered by Rosali Grankull & Jens Waltin.
Sång för att döva smärtan 2012
Commissioned and premiered by Västgöta Nations Manskör. Lyrics: Gunnar Ekelöf
AM - 5.1 system.
Premiered april 2012 För tre slagverkare & Tape 2010 Piece for three percussion and EAM.
Premiered december 2010
Eristalis 2010
Commissioned and premiered by KFUM's kammarkör, premiered at Sound of Stockholm festival 2010
ISTA 2010
Piece for violin, piano and percussion. Premiered at LjudOljud festival, may 2010
Kasmiltra 2009
Piece for fl, kl, vln, vla, vlc, pno, perc.
Premiered by Norrbotten Neo at Ljudvågor festival, Visby
Rundgång 2009
30 minutes sound walk, premiered at ISCM World Music Days, Visby. Collaboration with Jens Elford
Överflöde 2008
Piece for Wind Orchestra, premiered at Ljudvågor festival, Visby
TaveLek 2008
Piece for oboe, bassoon, violin, viola, violoncello, piano, percussion. Premiered at Ljudvågor festival, Visby
Glas(maskinen) 2008
EAM - stereo for dance, premiered at Almedalsbiblioteket, Visby
37846718 2008
EAM - stereo
JUNI No.21 2008
EAM - stereo
Till Macheten 2008
EAM - stereo
Svart kristall 2007
Piece for choir, strings, winds, brass, percussion. Premiered by Skeppsholmens Folkhögskolas Music course, at Blå Huset Tensta
Kläckt 2006
Piece for soprano saxophone and piano
Intonationsjakten 2006
Piece for three alto saxophones
Music for Theater Dans & Opera:
Friktion - hur känns det? 2019
40 minutes dance and music performance for children 4-8 years.
Choreographer Ingrid Olterman
Composer Rosali Grankull
Dancers Måns Erlandson and Oskar Frisk
Premiered 14th of September 2019, at Kungsängens Kulturhus
On tour 2019-2021
Chamber opera 20 minutes.
Collaboration between The Royal College of Music Stockholm, University college of Opera Stockholm and Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts.Written for soprano, mezzo-soprano, baritone and fl, kl, perc x2, pno, vln, vla, vlc. Libretto: Gunnar Eriksson, premiered at the University college of Opera Stockholm may 2012
Robert fux & Originalljudet 2010
Composer and musician together with the ensemble Originalljudet Riksteatern 2010
KAHLO 2010
Composer and musician together with Julia Rising
Unga Tur
Roten ur Norén 2007
Composer and musician together with the ensemble Originalljudet
Unga Tur