Music for strings & silk

Music for strings & silk - laboration piece for 1-99 people (2022)

Created while Composer in residence at The Gerlesborg School of Fine Art nov 2022

Premiered by Bohuslän Big Bad and R.Grankull 26th of Nov -22

Music for strings & silk has been selected to the ISCM World New Music Days 22-30 of June 2024 Faroe Islands

This piece is an interactive acoustic sound installation. With the materials silkthreads and stringed instruments, which act as resonating boxes, a gigantic spatial instrument is formed that the participants gets to know through the work of their hands, with sound, form and perception. The path of the silk threads through the room creates a visual composition, while its main purpose is to be a sound installation aimed at all curious, amateurs and professionals alike. No previous knowledge is required.

With the piece, a musical event is created that embracest that everyone, depending on previous experience, can create sound and music and that we depend on listening as an element of dialogue in society.

It is as much a social situation as a work of art, a sound installation as a collective improvisation.

Everyone is a co-creator and a musician. Listening as a method for Peace. 


Music for Strings & Silk No.1 - Gerlesborg, Nov 2022

Music for Strings & Silk No.2 - Härnösand Nymus festival, April 2023 

Music for Strings & Silk No.3 - Faroe Islands, WNMD 2024, June 2024

Music for Strings & Silk No.4 - TBA

Music for Strings & Silk No.5 - Frontside festival, Jan 2025

The Danish classical music journalist Jens Cornelius came and visited the interactive installation 'Music for Strings & Silk' (2022) at ISCM World New Music Days 2024 in the Faroe Islands

Link to report and interview:

From first performance and composition workshops I held named "Ingredients & Textures" with Bohuslän Big Bang (an improvisation collective with professionals and amatuers) 24-26 nov at The Gerlesborg School of Fine Art. During the workshop the group was assigned to create small compositions with only 3-4 materials each, workshop and residence was finished up with a public concert were the audience in the end became the musicians. 

First laboration with steel stringed guitar and silk while a residence at Vulkano, Gothenburg Sept -22

Picture from second performance at NYMYS live festival in april -23

in Härnösand.

A small glimpse of the visitors' concentration

Faroe Islands - WNMD 2024